
Gustave Doré, Rosa Celeste (Dante and Beatrice gazing upon the highest Heaven, from Dante’s Divine Comedy)

Free-Form Energy Work Session

$165 / 75 minute session
First session is free

An open session designed around your specific needs and interests, in which we will work on whatever is up for you — or we can just dive in and see what comes up. A good starting point for those who are new to this work.

Artwork: Carl Jung, Systema Munditotius, Liber Novus

Energetic System Overhaul

$165 / 75 minute session
$395 / Bundle of 3 sessions

In this session, we’ll examine and assess each of the body’s core subtle systems: constitutional energies, chi, jing, kidney essence. We’ll repair any shut down subtle pathways or jin shin nodes, and then support and optimize the system as a whole.

The Cycle of the Seasons, Hildegard of Bingen, 12th c.

Transforming Reactive Patterns

$165 / 75 minute session
$395 / Bundle of 3 sessions

For many of us, reactive psychological and emotional patterns can take years to understand, deconstruct, and heal. Energy healing can greatly accelerate this work, disentangling and creating space around the conditioning that keeps these patterns in place and bringing latent patterns into conscious awareness.