About Luminous Path

Hi, I’m Christopher, an energy healer, meditation practitioner, pathfinder, and Anam Cara.

I’ve been fascinated with meditation, magic, and healing since an early age. When I was a teenager, I came across a copy of The Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali , which describes the cultivation of samādhi and extraordinary states of consciousness accessible to meditation practitioners. Though it would be many years before I could access these states for myself, once I began to practice meditation seriously, what was a lifelong love of the mystical became a path.

When I first started learning energy healing, I was quite skeptical, but the effects were undeniable. Long-standing issues and psychological and emotional patterns that had plagued me for most of my adult life began to soften and fade. Health and vitality improved noticeably. And development in other dimensions of my spiritual path deepened and accelerated. I began to practice energy work on others; at first, friends on meditation retreats (which reliably stir up lots of issues), and eventually in daily life. I’ve been amazed by the benefits of energy healing, especially as a support to those doing serious inner work. I’m grateful to have found this practice and to be able to share it with others.

What is energy healing, actually?

In this sense, energy doesn’t refer to physical energy like electricity or heat but instead to subtle energy, which isn’t discussed much in Western traditions but is prominent in Eastern traditions, such qi in Chinese philosophy or the Hindu yogic concept of prana. Life force, vitality, strong emotions, deep insights, or just the simple experience of peace and joy are all examples of subtle energy at work in a way that most us experience regularly. Energy healing works to help overcome issues related to how this energy flows (or doesn’t flow) in the body-mind, with the broad goals of improving health, restoring balance, and releasing reactive patterns, psychological blocks, and other types of holding that create problems both in the body and in the psyche.

An energy healer accomplishes this using intention, attention, and, well, magic. Simply put, the intention to sense and direct subtle energy in another person for the purpose of healing and growth can have powerful results. While it takes considerable time, practice, and development to do this effectively, the basic principle is direct and simple.

Isn’t that kinda crazy?

It can certainly feel that way sometimes, especially to someone with a scientific background. There’s a skeptical part of me that still shows up from time to time and wonders if this isn’t all some kind of delusion. But I’ve come to really value that part, because it’s forced me to hold this work to a more rigorous standard. I really needed to be convinced. And it took time, but my experiences have been just that: convincing. Again and again, I’ve seen remarkable effects in both myself and those I’ve worked with, both as a healer and as a receiver. These results have replicated across people of all ages, nationalities, both in person and at a distance.

Does energy healing work over long distance?

Shockingly, yes, and without much reduction of efficacy (though there are more things I am able do in person, and generally the work goes faster). This aspect of the energy work still amazes me, having worked with people on the opposite side of the planet to great effect. As to whether directed subtle energy is able to “travel” at speeds similar to light or radio waves, or some much weirder kind of entanglement is happening, I can’t say. But it works, in some cases even better than in person (mostly when this happens it’s because the receiver is more comfortable in their home environment). I use video calls to conduct remote sessions, but this is more to support sensing and connecting to the other person rather than to actually facilitate the energy work.

What types of energy work do you practice?

My primary modality is VortexHealing®, in which I’ve completed the highest level of training. It provides a comprehensive method for working with the subtle energy system, facilitating deeper releases both in the psyche and in physical body than any other modality I’ve worked with. And as both a healing and awakening practice, it’s an ideal complement to other spiritual paths and therapeutic modalities.

What should I expect in a session?

We’ll begin with a short conversation about what you’d like to work on (though you don’t have to have anything specific in mind). Most of our time will be spent doing energy work, which requires nothing more than being relaxed and open, preferably in a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. We’ll conclude with a short chat about what came up during the session and discuss any concerns and possible next steps. 

Energy healing is very effective at a distance, and remote sessions are conducted via video chat, using whichever platform is most convenient for you: Google Meet, Skype, WhatsApp, Signal, FaceTime. You can be seated or lying down, whatever is most comfortable, but remaining present in the session and undistracted will improve results.

How does energy healing compare to other types of inner work?

You could think of energy work as something halfway between traditional talk therapy and traditional meditation practice. In therapy, one works with the macro-level patterns of reactivity and behavior to bring about insight and healing; whereas in meditation, one develops one’s attention in order to work on the micro level of perception, sensate experience, and awareness to bring about insight and healing. Energy healing occupies the therapeutic space between these two, working from the inside out. You don’t have to have a meditation practice or be in therapy to get benefits from energy healing, but it can form a powerful synergy with those modalities if you do.

Can you diagnose and treat or cure illnesses?

No, and energy healing is not a replacement for conventional medical treatment and therapy. While physical conditions like illness and disease are often the subject of energy work, it is done so strictly in a supportive capacity, complementary to conventional medical treatment. If you are suffering from an acute medical condition, be it physical or mental, please do seek the help of a qualified professional.

® “VortexHealing” is a registered service mark of Ric Weinman. All rights reserved. Used here with permission. For more information on VortexHealing visit www.vortexhealing.org.